Supporting Healthy Dating Relationships | Apoyar relaciones de pareja saludables
April 4, 2024 @ 7:00PM — 9:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

The Dating Game! | ¡El juego de las citas!
Learn how to effectively support your teen or adult with an intellectual disabiilty as they navigate the dating scene from sexuality educator expert and author Terri Couwenhoven. | Aprenda cómo apoyar eficazmente a su adolescente o adulto con una discapacidad intelectual mientras navega por la escena de las citas de la mano de la autora y experta en educación sexual Terri Couwenhoven.
The need for intimacy and meaningful connections with others is part of the human condition. People with intellectual disabilities have similar needs for intimacy, but often encounter a unique set of barriers as they move into the dating world. In this workshop attendees will explore obstacles uniquely experienced by people with intellectual disabilities, identify helpful roles for parents/caregivers as well as strategies for educating and supporting people with I/DD interested in moving into the dating world.
This virtual workshop also serves as a precursor to inperson workshops which will be offered on Friday night, April 5th and Saturday night, April 6th. The presenter will cover topics that will be presented during the April inperson workshops for teens 16+ and adults with Down syndrome.No refunds after March 30th.
If you need financial assistance to attend this workshop, please contact Joy Stein.
This workshop is partially funded through a Global Down Syndrome Foundation Education Grant.
Este taller está parcialmente financiado a través de una subvención educativa de la Fundación Global para el Síndrome de Down.