Sebi Smallwood

Sebi Smallwood's Fundraiser

Support the Super Sebi Squad! image

Support the Super Sebi Squad!

Donate today! Help us achieve our goal to support all people with Down Syndrome, every little bit counts!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$10,069 towards $10,321

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you so much for considering donating to the Super Sebi Squad! We are so glad to be getting more involved in the DSNMC and we look forward to contributing in any way we can! Any of you who know Sebi, know he is the sweetest kid there is and that he is just a bundle of joy and perseverance! Please consider making a donation, no matter how big or small, to help support our little squish and the whole Down Syndrome community!

By donating to DSNMC, you WILL make a difference by helping us further our mission to empower and support individuals with Down syndrome, their families and community through education, information, public awareness and advocacy. Your donation enables DSNMC to offer programs, workshops, events, socials and conferences for parents, educators, and individuals with Down syndrome of all ages.

Thank you in advance for supporting us and the Down Syndrome Network of Montgomery County, MD in this fundraising effort!

If you would also like to join our team at this years Step UP for Down Syndrome Walk on October 15th, please click on the following link and choose our team when registering:

Many thanks!

From Sebi and the whole Smallwood Family!